#MediaSnack Podcast
Welcome to ID Comms #MediaSnack, a weekly series looking at the big trends and issues in the global media industry. Our aim is to help ambitious advertisers navigate the complexities of the changing media landscape. Each week we will give you a tasty, bite size tour of some of the most interesting stories, letting you know just what you need to know and providing our expert perspective where we can. We’ll also give you some of the inside gossip, word on the street and the upcoming things we see will be the big stories for the week ahead. Please subscribe to be updated with new content and leave your questions, we will respond to them in future episodes. ID Comms #MediaSnack - Get your fill each Friday, in just enough time it takes to eat a sandwich. Enjoy! About ID Comms:ID Comms is the award-winning growth consultancy specializing in media and advertising. Founded in 2009, ID Comms is a trusted media partner to the world's leading advertisers, helping them to navigate the complexities of the changing media landscape.Media is a very powerful lever for growth for brands, but the landscape is complicated, cluttered and confusing. Making sense of this and knowing what to focus on is a challenge for marketers.It comes down to having the right knowledge to make decisions with confidence and the right controls to implement them, and that's what we do.We provide clarity in this complex landscape by empowering our clients with the knowledge they need to take the right decisions and we provide the data and tools to give them more control over their media performance.Find more at www.idcomms.com
#MediaSnack Podcast
March 25, 2022
ID Comms
231 views Streamed live on Mar 25, 2022 In this episode of #MediaSnack, we are giving away our most valuable secrets yet again. This is a BIG one, something we share with CMOs frequently.
We will be giving you the 4 important questions in ANY agency pitch (creative, media, digital, PR, whatever). These questions get you right to the psychology of the Agency CEO and they tell the Advertiser CMO exactly how to secure the right relationships with the right agencies.
And, as always, we have tips to help you set the stage with clarity and transparency.
#MediaSnack is brought to you by ID Comms, the award-winning growth consultancy specializing in media and advertising. Advisors to the world's most ambitious brands.