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Media is constantly evolving, and success belongs to those who can adapt. Every episode, hosts Tom Denford and David Indo deliver actionable insights and proven strategies to help you outpace the competition, navigate industry changes, and drive measurable results in media and advertising. We also welcome industry winners to share their secrets to success, giving you an edge in your own journey.
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#MediaSnack is presented by ID Comms, the global media consultancy dedicated to helping brands achieve better media results.
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#MediaSnack MEETS: Brian O'Kelley, CEO and Co-Founder of Scope3
Welcome to #MediaSnack Meets where we meet the individuals and organizations doing great work to inspire success and drive change within the global media and marketing industry.
My guest for this #MediaSnackMeets episode is Brian O'Kelley, CEO and Co-Founder of Scope3
Find out:
- What is Brian's experience in the industry?
- What he sees are the industry's biggest challenges and how we might address them?
- What does he do to unwind and recharge?
- Plus best industry leadership tips and more!
You can find Brian here: linkedin.com/in/brianokelley
#MediaSnack Meets is a regular interview with the curious media professionals who are reshaping the global industry.
Thanks for watching, if you enjoy #MediaSnack Meets please give us a thumbs up (it really helps) and do share links and tell others. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated.
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